Wednesday, February 22, 2017

swimming pool filter cleaner

the reason we have stopped is the filter hasa lot of pressure on it and we need to backwash it and the reason it has pressure is becausewe're sucking these contaminants up and taking them to the filter so that they don't getback into the swimming pool. now that we have the pump basket clean wewant to place it back in the pump. the pump basket catches everything that comes throughthat is too big to go into the filter. this is our sand filter that we are backwashing.normally the filter runs on filter. you have filter, winter, closed, backwash, recirculateand rinse. you want to backwash, you push your valve down move it around to backwash.once you have backwashed you want to move it around to rinse. now mind you you haveto cut the filter off, the power off the pump

every time you change your valve or it willripple your spider gasket and you will be taking it apart to replace your spider gasketso right now we're at backwash. we will backwash it for about two minutes, turn the pump off,move it around to rinse, we'll rinse until our sight glass is clear and then we willput it back on filter and we also look at our pressure gage to see what the pressureis running because we don't want the pump to run too high of pressure.

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