hello, my name is diana goodwin and i'm the president and founder of aquamobile a swim school that specializes in sending highly certified and qualified swim instructors to teach lessons at your home or condo pool today i'm going to tell you the difference between a life jacket and a personal flotation device also known as a pfd the reason i want to go over this is because the two terms tend to be used interchangeablely and if you are looking to keep your child safe in the water you should actually be looking for a life jacket and not a pfd so the main difference between a life jacket and a pfd is actually the life jacket has a large collar
that is designed to keep the head and mouth above water whether your child is conscious or unconscious this is really important, if something were to happen and they were to fall off a boat for example and be knocked unconscious their head would still be secure above the water it's also designed for your child if they are on their front it will twist them and roll on to their back more easily than a pfd this is a pfd, and as you can see there is space for the arms but there is no large collar, floating collar to keep the head and mouth above water so i'll put it on, just to show you here so as you can see its not as bulky through the body here
there more space for my arms to move but again, my head is not supported by that large collar that exists with a life jacket so once again just to conclude when looking to keep your child safe in the water before they know how to swim i highly recommend you go with a life jacket when you go looking at the store and not a pfd thank you!
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