welcome to aquamobile's fun way to learn to swim! in this video we'll be learning all about entering and exiting the water. hi everyone, and hi bella! come over here! good girl, walking on the pool deck! i'm miss bree and today bella and i are going to learn about entering and exiting the water. but first! we have to learn some rules, right? let's learn the rules with the song! swimming, swimming, in the swimming pool. if you're alone and on your own, you must follow this rule! don't go near it until an adult's with you, and then we can have fun and play cause someone's watching you! now that we know that we need an adult with us, let's get in the water using the stairs. the ramp is a great way to get in and out of the pool! last, but not least, let's jump in from the wall! wow that looks fun!
getting out of the pool from the wall can be challenging, so it's best to have an adult if you need help. great job! when you get brave enough, you can make even bigger jumps! great, let's keep practicing getting in and out of the pool! swimming, swimming, in the swimming pool! if you're alone and on your own, you must follow this rule! don't go near it until an adult's with you and then we can have fun and play cause someone's watching you! ramp, in ramp out, use the stairway too when we swim these are the ways to get into the pool
pull yourself out, your knees to the side use your hands and get on land by pulling to the side! swimming, swimming, in the swimming pool! remember that we're always safe around the swimming pool use the stairs, and pull yourself out too but most importantly, stay away unless adults are with you! wow, we had a lot of fun learning how to enter and exit safely today! what three things did we use bella? the stairs. yes, the ramp. and? the wall! good! and are we going to run back in on the stairs? ok say bye!
now to go over what we've learned today. we learned never to go in the water without an adult! three different ways to enter and exit the water: using the stairs using the ramp, using the wall, and jumping in when we get really good! but most importantly, how to have fun in the water! that's it for today's aquamobile swim lesson! keep practicing and until next time, stay safe and have fun! thanks for watching, take a look at the next video: getting comfortable in the water! see you next time!
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