- today we bathe in a huge bowl of cereal.- let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - good mythical morning!- welcome to a tasty episode of g-double-m. - oh, wow.- super excited. and i'll start off with a - tasty little surprise for y'all.- lots of tastiness! starting tomorrow, we got some animationcoming out on saturdays on this channel. we've teamed up with frederator and someof our favorite animators here on youtube to animate some of our favorite episodes of song biscuits. right. so look for that tomorrow and thena few subsequent saturdays. add that to
your saturday routine, people! get up and watch! ♪ (both singing) there's bonnie the bunny,freddy the bear, chica the chicken ♪ - ♪ (link) or is she a duck? ♪- ♪ (rhett) i don't care ♪ get up and watch an animated song biscuit. but right now, we wanna take you guys on a tasty field trip. that's right. because when you're an internetainer, you have to prepare for the day in which no one cares enoughanymore to click on your face. - it's what you do.- so, as you know, we've been going out into the world to see what else we mightbe good at with a little help from our
- friends at... geico!- hey! this time, we tried our hands at being cereal factory workers. it's time for... the backup plan.♪ (dramatic music) ♪ - (link) this is where cereal gets made.- (rhett) it looks like a fortress! (link) so, you might think we brought thistruck to plow right through the wall, but we've actually got something special inside. (rhett) because today is about making link's childhood dream come true. (link) this is lupe martinez, vice president of organic milling, and she has no idea what she's in for.
i feel like i'm gonna join some kind of secret agency! - (laughs) well...- (rhett) i kinda like this! and you know what? i'm all in, becausei'm already seeing cereal. - (rhett) look at it! - (link) high fiber twigs in the house! crispy rice, oat bran! you have a jingle?♪ organic milling... since 1960 ♪ - we don't have one yet, but...- ♪ (harmonizing) organic milling ♪ - there we go, we got it now.- (link) see, it's harmony. - all we have to do is record it now.- i like cereal just as much as the next guy, but link is so obsessed with cereal that i am willing to potentially
forego a career in my current job to become a cereal worker. - (laughs)- (rhett) is that what you call it? - a cereal worker.- (rhett) just so he can live out his dream. - that's how good of a friend i am.- a cerealist. a cerealist? what do you call yourself?a doctor of cereal? no, i'm just called a cereal lover. that's what i call myself. - cereal lover. - what'd you have for breakfast, lupe? cereal. with nuts, with fruit, with whatever i wanna put on it. - so that's how i enjoy it.- you know what? i could cook for you, girl.
- (lupe) good!- 'cause i know how to cook cereal. - okay.- (link) and i will do whatever it takes to be your friend and potentially to beyour employee or, um... your husband. - um... that's nice.- ♪ (link) organic milling... since 19-- ♪ - sixty.- you didn't sing it. unfortunately, since you have a beard,you have to be using an extra piece of - equipment. you're the lucky guy today.- you gotta wear a beard net! (laughs) - you have to wear a beard net.- do i have any skin showing? (laughs)
♪ (cheerful music) ♪ - (lupe) can you smell it?- i can smell it but i don't see any - cereal yet. i see boxes.- (rhett) i can definitely smell it now. (rhett) i can hear it too. ♪ (magical music) ♪ (rhett) we've been granted access to the secret world of cereal making, and it involves a lot of machinery... and boat paddles. (link) all i know is there is cereal everywhere. my dreams are literally - coming true.- (rhett) was that guy in your dream?
(rhett, shouting) it's a little more industrial than i anticipated. i kinda pictured, like, an old man in, like, aquaker outfit stirring something. - we have corn meal, we have salt...- salt! - we have sugar.... nuts.- (rhett) should i be giving things pats? (rhett) i think everything's good! - (link) first stop, the dumping station.- (rhett) that is actually what this area - is called.- (link) well, what would you call it? - yeah! yeah!♪ (exciting music) ♪ - keep going! we have to dump all of it!- (rhett) watch this, watch this.
♪ (dramatic music) ♪ (music pauses)(rhett) oh, oh no! hold up! ♪ (dramatic music resumes) ♪ whoah! ♪ (epic music) ♪ (rhett) next up: the coating station, where cereal gets covered in the best - ingredient: sugar.- is that heavy? - what is that?- (lupe) apple! - blood?- apple!
- oh! it's apple!- (rhett) it's apple! - ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ - (link) i'm not sure why we found it necessary to continually pat stuff, including each other. (rhett) well, right here i'm just wiping my hands on you. (link) oh... thanks. (rhett) after that, the coating went into the thing and onto the other thing... (link) creating a lazy river of sweet, sweet cereal. - ♪ (triumphant music) ♪ - so now, we are ready to eat. needs milk!
(rhett) america was built on the assembly line. hard workin' folks puttin' sugar- coated freedom into boxes and shipping it all over the world. (link) and it was time for us to do our part, which was to put those boxes into - other boxes.- (rhett) here we go, guys, heads up! not working. (link) too many, too many. - (rhett) you gotta keep up with me!- i'm tryin' to teach them how to box! - (rhett) you can't be the weak link!- if you tried a different technique... noooo... rejected!
- (rhett) we're only a little bit behind.- all of this is because of us. (link) how many people does it usually take to do this? - only one.- (link) only one? only one. - (rhett) aw yeah, here we go. all right.- (link) look at that. whoa! perfect shot! - this is like watching picasso.- (rhett) more like blake griffin. you ever dunked a basketball? yeah. (link) it's amazing how things to start to work when we step out of the process. (lupe laughs)
- and this is our r&d department.- (rhett) we don't have to yell anymore! - (link) i can hear you!- not anymore! - you want us to keep yelling?- 'cause we can! - of course not!- i'm very, very hungry. (lupe laughs) don't put too much, though, because you have a lot of other cereals that you may want to try. (whispers) oh yeah, baby. (link) now, this is where i wanna work.i wanna work in the tasting zone. (rhett) i kinda feel like we're in one of those fairy tales where, like, two kids go
to the kitchen and a strange lady feeds them-- - cereal.- a bunch of sugary cereal for free! next thing you know, we're cooked in an oven. - (laughs)- (rhett) are we gonna be put in the oven? - is it slowly heating up in here?- slowly until we completely cook you up, and then we all share. no, i'm kidding. no, of course not! this is only for cereal. - she's evil.- (link) this is granola territory. this is granola territory! do you technically have to be on a hike to eat it?
- that's hemp!- (lupe) mmhm! it is ancient grains - and granola.- (rhett) can you make rope out of it? - no.- can we make hoodies out of this cereal and sell 'em for 75 dollars at farmer's markets? - (laughs)- we'd like to lay something on you here. - sure.- (link) for years, maybe my entire life, my dream has been to eat cereal while bathing in cereal. can we make it happen? - well...- we brought a big bowl. - (rhett) there it is.- (link) yep.
(rhett) put one leg in... one, two, up. (link) okay... this is kinda hot in here right now. - whoa!- (both giggle) let me see if i can... whoa! - lupe! what do you think?- it's fantastic! - i have never seen a bowl like that!- in what way? - we've provided the bowl, you provide...- the cereal? - (rhett) the cereal!- so, what do we have in here? - over here, we have special flakes.- (rhett) special flakes?
- (link) rhett & link flakes? how much?- (lupe) probably over 500 pounds. - (rhett) this doesn't seem safe!- (lupe) don't worry, it's gonna be safe. (lupe) up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up!more, more, more, more, more, more! - (lupe) right there. ready? set?- (rhett) open the hatch! - (link) okay!- (rhett) let the flakes-- (chuckles) - (maniacal giggles) look at this, rhett!- (chuckles) - oh my gosh! what!?- hold on, that's a lot of cereal! - what?! (giggles) this is crazy!- all right, we might have enough cereal. - it smells so good!- the only way i'm gettin' out of this
- is by eating my way out of it.- yeah! i didn't dream of it being this heavy.i feel your foot moving. - oh, is that your foot?- yeah. don't play footsie with me in a cereal bathtub. (link) that's cold. oh my goodness. i'm a little scared. (rhett) bring it. let 'er rip! let that milk flow! ♪ (dreamy music) ♪ - (splashes)- (both giggling) - (laughing) yeah!- (lupe) oh my goodness! oh!
hold on. you don't need to use your hands. use this! - (both laugh)- wait, wait! oh, you know what? - hey!- i've got one too! - (link) mm. want a taste?- (lupe) no thank you. bon apetit. (rhett) it's really good. it's very sweet.i'm gonna go real deep and get some. - (lupe laughs)- (rhett) that's my foot. - (groans)- (link laughs) it sort of takes on a different consistency at the bottom. - (chuckles) it's still cereal, baby.- oh, man. you need to go diving in
this stuff. no, you need to go completely under, link. now, if i'm not up in fifteen minutes, call somebody. - all right.- oooh! - (rhett) go for it. go for it, son.- (laughing) i'm trying to. it's like... - ooh, man, it's soggy down here.- all right, go! - i'm trying! (giggles)- (rhett) just go down! i love it! i love it! - ohh kay.- i can't breathe! (laughs) you gotta go under! your whole face isstill up! your whole face is still here!
i'm so happy right now! (giggles) - i can't stop laughing.- okay, just take in some air. (rhett) there you go. you're about to disappear. there he goes. there he went. (rhett) oh, nice! how's that? it's like entering another world! lupe? on behalf of myself and my dreams, i wanna thank you for making this possible. you're very welcome. all right, let's get to work.
still not bad, though. as you can probably tell, i had the time of my life, and i still find the occasional - corn flake in a crevice or two.- whoa. for the corn flakes that didn't make it into any of link's crevicesand were not eaten by us, they were - actually given to local farm animals.- yes. - so none of that went to waste.- none of it. we wanted you to know that. but i do think we're gonna be sticking with - internetainment for the time being.- yes. thanks to geico for sponsoring this episode. go to geico.com, where 15minutes could save you 15 percent or
- more on your car insurance.- and as always, thanks for liking - and commenting.- you know what time it is. - my name is zachary parker.- my name is cary nicholson. - my name is john hosier.- my name is cary woburn. - and i'm ross kline.- and we're all from kentucky. - we just ate carolina reapers!- (all) and it's time to spin the - wheel of mythicality!- (screams) make sure you check out the latest episodeof our podcast, ear biscuits. this week's guests are the gregory brothers, the songify masters. check out our
- conversation with them!- it's audio only, but it seems like so much more, i hope! click through to goodmythical more where we share our cereal bowl experience candidly. - ♪ (breaking news music) ♪ - (rhett) this just in: local - schoolteacher attacked by mutated llama.- um... ah, breaking news, this just in: local school woman attacked by mutate-ied llama. - it was a "mutate-ied llama,"- that's right. which is a little different than a mutated llama. it's a llama that's mutated from mutation.
right. and everyone said the llama was just a really nice llama, and they never - expected this of the llama.- right, but this just in: the schoolteacher was teaching llama mutation! - ohhh!- which makes sense. full circle. back to you, jill. [captioned by: gmm captioning team]
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